Tahfeez Quran

We offer Islamic Studies and Quran to all Muslim students attending the school from Pre-K onwards and Islamic Culture to all non-Muslim students as per the regulations set by the Saudi Ministry of Education.

Based on our School’s vision “A chain of unique schools with an Islamic perspective providing various international educational programs…” YIS offers free Tahfeez Quran to YIS students during summer school and/or after school preset sessions. These sessions are organized by the Islamic Studies Department as a free service to our students.

YIS offers as well a contest for “Hadith Contest” where rewards are given to the first three winners as per the school’s policy.

In the Islamic Studies department, staff members work hard to achieve the following goals:

Give an opportunity to students to broaden, deepen, and enrich their understanding of Islam.

Promote the appreciation of Islamic ethics and etiquette through a code of personal practice.

Provide students with a general understanding of Islam and what it means to be a Muslim.

Indorse intelligent debate and understanding of Islam and the role of Muslims in the contemporary world.

Develop students’ awareness of the history of Islam.

Prepare students to contribute to both Muslim and multi-cultural environments.

Develop students’ critical and analytical thinking skills.

Enable students to develop their utmost academic potential.