School Identity

Andalus International School, also known as AIS, is an accredited, private school serving both the local and expatriate communities located in Jeddah – Saudi Arabia.

AIS schools are co-educational from Pre-K until Grade 3 (In Grades 1-3 boys and girls are placed in different classrooms), and is then segregated from Grade 4 until graduation. Kindergarten consists of three grade levels (Pre-K, KG1 and KG2); Primary School consists of five grade levels (Grade1 – Grade5); Middle School consists of three grade levels (Grade6 – Grade8); High School consists of four grade levels (Grade9 – Grade12).

AIS schools operate legally under the supervision of the Ministry of Education “MoE” under the license number 520-3569 since the academic year 2006/2007.

AIS is managed by a team of professional, passionate and dedicated faculty members starting from the General Director, Heads of Departments, Curriculum Coordinators, teachers and support staff. At AIS, we value the importance of all our stakeholders from students, teachers, parents and administrators. AIS provides internationally-enriched, standard-based curricula where each faculty member strives to lay emphasis on the seriousness and the importance of education integrated with the physical, social, and moral growth of our students.

The school serves as an ideal site for teaching and learning. The school offers several services to ensure that each individual student is given the appropriate equal opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and caring environment.

The curriculum framework meets the requirements of MoE and the Common Core State Standards “CCSS” and Next Generation Science Standards “NGSS”. For the Kindergarten School and Primary years (Grades 1-5), the CCSS and the PYP learning standards were aligned in a unified curriculum map.

The biggest highlight on the academic path of AIS was achieving the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB-PYP) accreditation in the academic year 2018/2019 and becoming an IB World School one of a few international schools in Jeddah. We have been also authorized as an MYP school in the academic year 2021-2022.

The ultimate academic goal for AIS is to become a continuum IB World School by offering all IB Programmes (PYP, MYP, PD, and CP) and accredited by well-known international organizations.

School History

Today, AIS is one of the top international schools in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and is committed to delivering comprehensive international education programs that enable its students to be life-long learners while retaining their local roots while retaining their local roots.

Andalus International Schools foster values, consolidate Islamic beliefs and principles, deliver excellent education programs, and serve both local and expatriate communities in Saudi Arabia to be learners of today and pioneers of tomorrow.

Established in the Fall of 2007, Al-Andalus International School adheres to Al Andalus tradition and values of raising Saudi students through the delivery of both the American and National curriculum for boys from Grade 1 to Grade 12.
Our vision “Education for Life” means American Diploma that is committed on providing quality English instructions without neglecting the Arabic language and our values culminating in an American Diploma with American and Saudi Universities entrance qualifications. Furthermore, it means instilling our school community with the understanding that life is a test and that we will be accountable for our mission.

In the academic year 2010/2011, the school achieved its first accreditation from the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC), as well as attained candidacy status for accreditation from AdvancED.

During the academic year 2011/2012,  Andalus International School achieved full accreditation from AdvancED for five years and was classified to date as a class A classification from the Ministry of Education to accept Saudi students as well as expatriate students.

AIS renewed its accreditation with Cognia, previously known as AdvancED, in the academic year 2016/2017 for another five years. In the academic year 2018/2019, AIS received the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) accreditation and is currently an IB- MYP candidate school.

During the academic year 2020/2021, Andalus Schools underwent a major shift to virtual learning. AIS staff members worked rigorously hand-in-hand to develop educational practices that can further enhance such virtual experiences and resolve the obstacles that may take place.

Today AIS serves around 2000+ students who will continue their shining academic journey and reach the school’s ultimate academic goal.