AIS counselors address the needs of students by implementing a comprehensive, standard-based, developmentally appropriate school counseling program. Professional counselors are available in both campuses and in all schools.
The major aim of Guidance Counseling Services is to boost each student’s needs and development academically, socially, emotionally and personally.
Guidance counseling services help students get to know themselves better and find effective solutions to their daily problems. They also help students improve themselves in all areas and be full-functioning individuals.
Counselors monitor students’ development and based on their needs they give students necessary support such as supporting them in understanding themselves and their needs, solving their problems, making realistic decisions, improving their abilities and skills, and adjusting themselves and their environment in a healthy way.
Please feel free to contact the designated Head of Department with questions or any concerns you may have regarding your child. Head of Departments will contact the concerned member of the counseling team to arrange an appointment with the parent and/or student accordingly.
Meetings will take place between the counselor and the parent/student to understand and assess the situation thoroughly in order to reach the right corrective needed action. The school counselor will collaborate with teachers and administration to identify barriers to academic and personal growth and develop interventions to address areas of need. Furthermore, the school counselor works together with administrators and regular meetings are held with the HoD to help identifying and resolving student issues, needs and problems.
During the whole process, the counselor also informs the parents about the development of their children in the school, conducts guidance sessions for parents to improve their parenting skills and enhance their relationships with their children when needed or requested.